Thursday, August 30, 2012

More About Our Bodies

Before I tell you more of what we've learned about our bodies, I have to brag for a minute! This week, we read Bobby Baboon's Banana Be-Bop. The kids love these books. There is one for each letter of the alphabet and they are a fabulous introduction to the letter. After we were done, they searched through the book to see how many times they could find the letter B. The list of the board is what they came up with. I only listed each word once, but they found many of them several times. They even found words that had the letter b in the middle or at the end of the word! I was so impressed with how well they did!

This week we've been talking a lot about our 5 senses. They had a great time exploring the house and the back yard to find items with different textures. Here are some of the things we found! (Some of their favorites, like the side of the house, bricks, tiles and cupboards, couldn't be glued to the paper.)

We also had a fun day exploring our senses by putting on blind folds and trying to guess what various items were by feeling, smelling and tasting them. I thought I had thrown in a few tricky things, but they guessed every single one. I was even told things like, "I feel bumps, that are salt because this smells like salt.". 

As we've been learning about our bodies, we've added body parts to our stick figure man. He turned out pretty silly looking!

Watch for your child's "My Body Book" that will be coming home soon. They've put a lot of hard work into it!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Week

We have had a good start to the school year this past week! We are already working on writing our names, identifying and drawing circles and counting to 10. This week, we have started working on the letter A. The kids are doing fantastic at writing it and have started being able to identify the sound.

We also started our theme for this month, "Our Bodies".

We started by putting together a big puzzle of a body and identifying all the parts we knew.

The next day, we traced the kids and they got to color themselves! It was great drawing practice, helped the kids identify where everything is on their faces and was some good color practice, as they tried to match their pictures to what they were wearing.

We've also had a lot of fun hunting for the things we are learning about. Here are the results of our circle hunt. They did a great job of finding items that have circles on them!

For some extra practice, have your child look around the house for items with circles or with specific colors. We have done a green hunt and a red hunt at school so far!